SleepySprout > Site > Spooky > Closely Related > Ghost Event 001
I'd like to start this entry by stating again for the record: That I'm no writer.
These entries are likely to be garbled, too drawn out and will never see a thesaurus.
That being said, let us begin, shall we?
Ever since I was born I have heard about ghostly/spiritual events from my family and friends. These stories are of close relation, normally including me being/sleeping in the same house at the same time of the event.
This particular story starts out in what I'll call "The Old House". The one my mother, to this day, complains to me that it would have been a lovely house if my "aunt had never played with a ouija board in it".
She's never thought that maybe she played with the ouija board because it was a hotspot for spirits, though. And the older I get the more that makes sense.
Most of the stories I write here from my mother are ones that she has recalled over and over with me. And she's definitely had a few to tell.
The earliest of her stories dates back to when her grandfather was alive and living in "The Old House".
She told me when she slept in her bed, if you looked through the doorway of her room you could see her grandfather's bed.
One night, they were both in bed, her grandfather sleeping.
She rolled over at one point and saw the tall silohette of her grandfather walking to the kitchen in which she assumed that he had an unsettled stomach.
However he never came back. So she got out of bed and went to check on him in the kitchen- however no one was there. Instead when she returned he was still in bed, sleeping, completely unmoved.